A Growing Global Community
the Register
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Register Volume 26 Issue Winter (Online Version)
As we look towards the IARFC Financial Forum in April, the Register has information for registration and some of the presenters. These are updated daily so visit the IARFC Website Event section for up-to-date information. Aidil Akbar Madjid, RFC® is our member focus and gives us an account of his journey from Indonesia to the US and back to head the Indonesia Chapter.
Member Focus This Month
Aidil Akbar Madjid, RFC®
A subscription to printed copies of the Register can be ordered through the IARFC Store.
Feature Articles
- George Carline Asked "What Happens to Stuff When You Die?"
- The Importance of Long Term Care Expense, Planning, and Estate Planning for Legacy Creation
- Using Life Insurance to Create a Tax-Free Legacy: A Guide for All Financial Pros
- What Will Clients Leave Behind When They Are Gone?
- Practice Management - Important Value Added Member Benefits
Current Association/Chapter News
- IARFC Financial Forum
- US Chapter Incentive Program
- Trustee Chair News
- By-Laws Changes
- National Financial Plan Competition - Seeking Individual Donors
- Journal of Personal Finance - Call for Papers
- IARFC Current Demographics
- Chapter News
The Register (Middletown, Ohio Online) ISSN 2639-7374 The Register (Middletown, Ohio Print) ISSN 1556-4045About
It includes articles and advice on technical subjects, economic events, regulatory actions, and practice management. The facts and opinions in the IARFC’s Register articles represent their author’s views and are not endorsed by the publisher.
The IARFC makes no claim as to the accuracy and does not guarantee or endorse any product or service that may be advertised or featured.
The Register goes to IARFC members who are, practitioners, academicians, and decision-makers in financial services, plus selected others who are nonmember MRFC certification holders, and candidates for the RFA®, RFC®, and MRFC®.
Susan M. Cappa
Editorial Coordinator
Editorial Advisory Committee
Michelle Blair, RFC®
Lemuel W. Kornegay III, RFC®Advertise
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Criteria: Article Participant must be an IARFC member in good standing or have made contributions to the financial services industry, i.e. writing articles, donations to industry events, and/or continuing education program activities.
Contact the Register Editorial Coordinator at editor@IARFC.org, (513) 424-1589. Please, be prepared to provide your professional resume or curriculum vitae.
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