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the Register
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Register Volume 25 Issue No 4 (Online Version)Most importantly, this issue highlights registration for the IARFC Financial Forum in Orlando Florida. As the end of the year approaches, the Year-End giving is discussed by a number of our members. See what is going on in the individual chapters and look at some fun pictures of our Trustee Chair and MRFC Vice Chair as they travel internationally.
Member Focus This Month
Roxanne Turner, RFC®
A subscription to printed copies of the Register can be ordered through the IARFC Store.
Feature Articles
- Serving the Board for Six Years
- Year End Giving - Friend or Foe
- 7 Steps Consultants Can Take to Motivate Their Clients to Give Graciously to Charities
- The Power of Gifting for Your Clients
- When Your Client is Feeling Philanthropic
- What is Retirement Planning? 4 Steps to Planning Success
- Get Your Clients to Gift Graciously
Current Association/Chapter News
- IARFC Financial Forum
- US Chapter Incentive Program
- Trustee Chair and CEO News
- Corporate Sponsorship for the IARFC National Financial Plan Competition
- Chapter News - US and International
- New Edition of the Journal of Personal Finance
- Nominations for 2025 Founder's Award
The Register (Middletown, Ohio Online) ISSN 2639-7374 The Register (Middletown, Ohio Print) ISSN 1556-4045About
It includes articles and advice on technical subjects, economic events, regulatory actions, and practice management. The facts and opinions in the IARFC’s Register articles represent their author’s views and are not endorsed by the publisher.
The IARFC makes no claim as to the accuracy and does not guarantee or endorse any product or service that may be advertised or featured.
The Register goes to IARFC members who are, practitioners, academicians, and decision-makers in financial services, plus selected others who are nonmember MRFC certification holders, and candidates for the RFA®, RFC®, and MRFC®.
Susan M. Cappa
Editorial Coordinator
Editorial Advisory Committee
Michelle Blair, RFC®
Lemuel W. Kornegay III, RFC®Advertise
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Criteria: Article Participant must be an IARFC member in good standing or have made contributions to the financial services industry, i.e. writing articles, donations to industry events, and/or continuing education program activities.
Contact the Register Editorial Coordinator at editor@IARFC.org, (513) 424-1589. Please, be prepared to provide your professional resume or curriculum vitae.
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