A Growing Global Community
It is the goal of the editors to provide timely reviews (less than 60 days) and decisions to authors. Due to the volume of submissions received, we are only able to accept for publication 15 – 20 percent of manuscripts submitted. Please feel free to contact the editors if you are unsure about the suitability of your article for JPF.
Tables should be understandable as a stand-alone source of information without benefit of the text. All tables should be created using Word “table” formats.
Authors are responsible for supplying figures (e.g., graphs, illustrations, line drawings) as camera-ready art. Art must be original and of a quality that can be photographed clearly. All lines and printing must be in proportion to the text.
References should also follow the style presented in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th Ed.). Authors are requested to check all references for completeness, including year, volume number, and pages for journal citations. Authors must check to be sure that all references mentioned in the text are listed in the reference section.
Submit manuscripts directly to the editor via email to JPFeditor@iarfc.org. Paper submissions are not necessary.
Please never submit material for concurrent consideration by another publication. The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants copyrights manuscripts published in the Journal of Personal Finance. They also reserve the right to reformat a manuscript into a white paper.
For questions or to discuss a manuscript with the editor(s), please email JPFeditor@iarfc.org. Note that processing fees may be charged for manuscripts requiring significant editing or formatting changes. The editor(s) do not accept responsibility for damaged or lost paper submissions. The editor reserves the right to make changes for clarity and consistency with the Journal of Personal Finance guidelines.
Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines For The Journal Of Personal Finance
Promoting Research
The Journal of Personal Finance encourages high quality submissions that add to the growing literature in personal finance. Since this literature spans a number of disciplines, authors are encouraged to conduct a thorough review of literature prior to submission. We are looking for original research that uncovers new insights in personal finance—research that will have an impact on advice provided to individuals.It is the goal of the editors to provide timely reviews (less than 60 days) and decisions to authors. Due to the volume of submissions received, we are only able to accept for publication 15 – 20 percent of manuscripts submitted. Please feel free to contact the editors if you are unsure about the suitability of your article for JPF.
Specific Guidelines for the Submission of Manuscripts
Manuscripts should be well organized and clearly written. Be sure to follow guidelines from The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th Ed.) for formatting all headings, tables, and figures. Manuscripts should be written in first person, active tense.Tables should be understandable as a stand-alone source of information without benefit of the text. All tables should be created using Word “table” formats.
Authors are responsible for supplying figures (e.g., graphs, illustrations, line drawings) as camera-ready art. Art must be original and of a quality that can be photographed clearly. All lines and printing must be in proportion to the text.
References should also follow the style presented in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th Ed.). Authors are requested to check all references for completeness, including year, volume number, and pages for journal citations. Authors must check to be sure that all references mentioned in the text are listed in the reference section.
Submit a Manuscript
Submit manuscripts directly to the editor via email to JPFeditor@iarfc.org. Paper submissions are not necessary. Please never submit material for concurrent consideration by another publication. The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants copyrights manuscripts published in the Journal of Personal Finance. They also reserve the right to reformat a manuscript into a white paper.
For questions or to discuss a manuscript with the editor(s), please email JPFeditor@iarfc.org. Note that processing fees may be charged for manuscripts requiring significant editing or formatting changes. The editor(s) do not accept responsibility for damaged or lost paper submissions. The editor reserves the right to make changes for clarity and consistency with the Journal of Personal Finance guidelines.